About Me

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California, United States
I live in Sacramento, California and have always attracted injured or lost birds, so I'm volunteering my time at the Wildlife Care Facility in the aviary nursery, to help feed tiny babies. The facility cares for all kinds of birds until they are ready to be released back into the wild. I'm told that facilities all across the country are filled with hungry babies through the summer months. I consider myself a steward of this beautiful planet and all its creatures. I find strength and meaning through experiencing the interconnectedness with all life, and acting on its behalf.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No baby birds

I find myself missing the babies and feeding them. Boy, it got pretty frenetic for a while there, trying to fill all those bellies! Seasons change and with them babies grow up. I just enjoy feeding my special friends in my back yard and making sure they have plenty of fresh water and food. My back yard, though small, is a sanctuary for little birds and animals and I enjoy it. I'll try to post a few photos later in the week.
I'm getting better at drawing blood from a vein. Today I successfully did two draws and am feeling more confident as time goes by. It's such an invasive procedure, but someone has to do it and I'm going to be really good at it because for some strange reason I love it ~ maybe I'll specialize in working with kids. I decided that working with babies might not be what I want to do. You really end up sticking them, then they scream, and then you leave them. Comforting them is not part of the job description. I met a woman who worked as a phlebotomist for 4 years with babies and she said she just cannot do it anymore, so she's changing professions all together.
Anyway, wanted to check in and post to my blog.
More later.

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