About Me

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California, United States
I live in Sacramento, California and have always attracted injured or lost birds, so I'm volunteering my time at the Wildlife Care Facility in the aviary nursery, to help feed tiny babies. The facility cares for all kinds of birds until they are ready to be released back into the wild. I'm told that facilities all across the country are filled with hungry babies through the summer months. I consider myself a steward of this beautiful planet and all its creatures. I find strength and meaning through experiencing the interconnectedness with all life, and acting on its behalf.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No baby birds

I find myself missing the babies and feeding them. Boy, it got pretty frenetic for a while there, trying to fill all those bellies! Seasons change and with them babies grow up. I just enjoy feeding my special friends in my back yard and making sure they have plenty of fresh water and food. My back yard, though small, is a sanctuary for little birds and animals and I enjoy it. I'll try to post a few photos later in the week.
I'm getting better at drawing blood from a vein. Today I successfully did two draws and am feeling more confident as time goes by. It's such an invasive procedure, but someone has to do it and I'm going to be really good at it because for some strange reason I love it ~ maybe I'll specialize in working with kids. I decided that working with babies might not be what I want to do. You really end up sticking them, then they scream, and then you leave them. Comforting them is not part of the job description. I met a woman who worked as a phlebotomist for 4 years with babies and she said she just cannot do it anymore, so she's changing professions all together.
Anyway, wanted to check in and post to my blog.
More later.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I haven't posted in a while and have some news to share. It's somewhat bitter-sweet in that I won't be volunteering at the Wildlife Rescue, at least for a while. I'm in school and will be a Certified Phlebotomist by next spring. There are many books and lot's of studying, so my time is filled right now with school and my intention is to make A's! I got a 96% on my first test yesterday and 100% on my test today, so I'm on-track! I hope to be working with children and infants by next year. Most people don't or can't stick needles in kids and that's understandable, but someone has to do it and that someone is going to be me. It's funny because my very favorite toy when I was a kid was a fake hypodermic needle that had a spring-loaded needle that had the illusion of penetrating the skin and somehow the cylinder looked like it filled with red blood. I took blood from my brothers and sisters and gave them shots! I hope to be able to have a calming affect and I want to learn to be quick ~ I see that that is the secret to as painless a procedure as possible for everyone, but most especially for kids. You'd think that we would have come farther than having to stick needles into the skin, but that is what is for now, so we'll make the best of it. I'll try to visit the Wildlife Rescue and take photos from time to time to post here. That's it for now.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I went for a day hike up in the Sierras yesterday and came upon this sign posted along the trail. I was amazed to learn about a little bird called a Dipper that spends most of its life in and around the banks of rivers, never wandering too far into the forest. But, the most amazing thing about this little bird is that it dives under the water and walks along the bottom of the river turning over rocks looking for food. And I thought I knew a lot about birds! I'm reminded of my favorite word when I learn about a creature I never knew existed ~ wonder ~ Ah, Mother Nature is truly magnificent!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nothin' but blue skies

The sky is blue today and the moon is back to its old self. A red moon is a strange thing to behold, and we all hope we don't see that again any time in the near future! Speaking of the moon, it will be full in Capricorn (my Sun sign) this coming Friday ~ should be a good time to organize and get our ducks in a row. (no pun intended)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Teeny Tiny Hummingbird Babies

It's been a few days since I've posted ~ have been a bit "under the weather" whatever that means, given our weather conditions in northern California these days ~ there's still much smoke ~ haven't seen the blue skies for weeks now, and the moon is red at night. I read today that our governor is asking for federal assistance in the form of people, to help with the fires. Bring them on, we say! Anyway, I wanted to post a link to some photos of a mother humming bird with her two eggs which turn into beautiful little babies. Enjoy.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I received this very short video clip from my niece in Oregon and just had to pass it along, even though it is about a lion and not a bird. All God's creatures are magnificent and this video allows us to experience that magnificence in this very moment.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I arrived in Charlotte, NC last night and am enjoying visiting with my brother, Dave. While having tea and coffee together this morning out on the deck, we watched a male and a female bluebird flying about, and it looked like they had a nest. Oh, how I'd love to have a look at those babies! We don't see bluebirds in California. We have plenty of Blue Jays, but no bluebirds. Also, we saw a pair of Canadian geese with their three goslings ~ again, so fluffy, fuzzy and cute. I will try to post some photos from here, but may have to wait until I return home to CA in a couple of weeks. More later. Ta Ta

Monday, June 2, 2008

It feeds my soul

Today was like many others ~ lot's of hungry mouths to feed. I'll be leaving for a two-week vacation tomorrow, but will try to post while I'm away. Volunteering for this work continues to be the most rewarding experience I've had in a very long time. Nature is truly magnificent, and my love for the birds and all creatures sustains me and feeds my soul.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and
my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water,
and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief ~ I come into the presence of still water ~
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light ~ For a time
I rest in the grace of the world,
and I am free ~
- Wendell Berry

Monday, May 26, 2008

An Awesome Sight

Today I brought home 2 large baskets filled with adult (finally) bluejays and set them free. What a magnificent sight! Most were perfectly happy and eager to soar to heights never before experienced. I watched them take baths in the water bowls I set out. They had spent the most recent part of their lives rather crowded in a playpen with screening on top, so the grassy yard was an open pasture! They loved feeling the sun on their bodies and preened in its warmth until it went over the fence. Then they disappeared to find shelter or a limb for the night. Thank goodness the night's are getting warmer.